Eric knows it’s not easy, being King. Fortunately, he has a Queen for that.

Eric–or King Halar, or Vlad, or any number of aliases–doesn’t want to be bothered. It’s hard to pin down what he does want, if anything. He lives a quiet life, almost a solitary one, mourning in his own way for the loss of someone dear.
His quiet solitude can’t go on forever. Despite the empty places inside him, events and creatures move through the worlds and across the void between, forcing him into action, into fighting, into confronting Things perhaps better left alone…

…even forcing him into being a King

Nightlord: Void is the fifth book in Garon Whited’s Nightlord series.

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Utterly amazing. Book was that great. Now one of my past complaints was that the MC always seemed to end up at the end of the book in a bad way leaving a cliffhanger. Not this time. Lots of action and an ending leaving me desperately wanting to know what is going to happen next.


Alright Garon, You Win!

You and your cliffhangers! ARG!!! Alright, consider me hooked for the next one. I might as well give you my money now.

P.S I’ll be very disappointed if he doesn’t do it. If he’s going to be a monster, he needs to be a monster at least once.


Truly excellent series

I’ve devoured the Nightlord series. From the start, it was good. It only got better. If you enjoy fantasy, science fiction, vampires, wizards, or alternate timelines, you will enjoy this series. If you enjoy more than one, you’re likely to love it. I enjoy them all. I wish only for more.

-Tom Vogel

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